Aug 15, 2012

Festa de Batisado!

Dear Students and Friends of Filhos de Bimba Toronto,

I am very pleased to invite you to the First Filhos de Bimba Toronto 'Festa de Batisado' - the first ever Festa de Batisado in Canada!!!

What:   Filhos de Bimba Toronto's First Festa de Batisado
When:  Saturday, August 25 from 3:30-10 p.m. 
Where: 21 Nassau St. in Kensington Market
Who:   Filhos de Bimba students & their guests
What:  Naming Ceremony for Beginner students (4-5:30 pm) / food & drink (5:30 pm+)
Cost:   Free for guests / $15 for Filhos de Bimba students

For more information:
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The Festa de Batisado is a celebration that was created by Mestre Bimba, founder of Capoeira Regionaland revered father of our own capoeira master, Mestre Nenel, in order to welcome new students into the school and strengthen community bonds.  Mestre Bimba recognized the central importance of relationships in peoples' lives, and he worked hard to nurture these connections, with the aim to help people develop into happy, whole individuals.  In the modern capoeira world, Batisados have developed in different directions with their own traditions, and while this is just as valid, at Filhos de Bimba, we seek to preserve - to keep alive - the rich traditions created by Mestre Bimba.

The Festa de Batisado will open with a roda for the Beginner students of Filhos de Bimba Toronto.  After each student has played, he or she will receive their "Nome de Guerra" - their capoeira nickname - usually chosen by the advanced students or the teacher.  There will then be a short roda for other students and guests to play, followed by a presentation of puxada de rede - a fisherman's dance from the region of Bahia - after which we will celebrate with food and beverages.  Attendance is free for all guests (family and friends) and $15 for Filhos de Bimba students.  We are honoured and blessed to have the participation of Contra-Mestre Trovoada and several of his students from Capoeira Mandinga Detroit!

We hope to see you there!
Muito axé,
Professora Lang

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